Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The art of recovery...

The science of the effectiveness and efficacy of (individual) recovery is still being re-worked, re-shaped and re-claimed.

The science of many things is complex to many

The art though lays in making the complex simple, to many.

Here is a creative perspective on recovery. Four things you can't recover:

1) the stone after the throw

  • go hard when it counts - you'll need to harden
  • toss cautious stones - best in your own garden

2) the word after it's said

  • be careful those words you say to self - the words of doubt, criticism and worth, for they create dark seeds when it's your time to compete
  • be thoughtful of those words to others - the words in angst, of ego or defeat

3) the occasion after it's missed

  • know your time when it arrives it'll be a whisper, a sense, a silent moment, you'll feel alive 
  • not before, nor later but then - that's your time to go for it, to drive

4) the time after it's gone

  • go too hard, too early, too often, too crazy - you're injured, and what cost ?
  • while you stay still and deny or ponder, others go forward - closer they get, and further from time you lost

Training and competing brings results. More training and competing brings more demands. If some is good, more is not always better. 

Sometimes less is more - the art of recovery.